Serve on the GRE School Site Council
Gold Ridge wants to hear from their parents. If you are interested or have questions about the council, email Stefanie Ellis at or call (916) 294-9140.
Why Join?
- Participate in important decision making that can bring positive benefits to students
- Represent the entire school community and take responsibility for the achievement of all students
- Learn about school governance and funding
What is School Site Council (SSC)?
California Education Code 52852 requires that a School Site Council shall be established at each school that participates in Title I or LCFF supplemental/concentration grant funding.
- Measure effectiveness of improvement strategies at GRE
- Seek input from school advisory committees
- Reaffirm and/or revise school goals
- Revise improvement strategies and expenditures
- Recommend and approve the single plan for student achievement (SPSA)
- Monitor the implementation of the SPSA